By Alex,
When I woke up on Monday morning I looked out the window. I saw a completely white sheet of shining snow covering everything I would normally see. When I realized how deep it was I thought how many snowflakes would have gone into that?
We spent the morning in the park making a shelter with no roof and having a fun snowball fight with all our neighbourhood friends. I loved throwing snow balls at mum the most. By the time we went home I was wet and cold.
We warmed up fast and had a quick lunch. Then George came round to help me make an igloo. We started building the igloo then my dad came and said ‘do you need some help’ and we said yes, so he did help us. This time it had a roof! The roof was really delicate and fragile, as the snow was very heavy, because it had so much water in it and my dad isn’t a professional igloo maker! Then dad left us and George and I sat in the igloo talking about the igloo we had made and decided it needed a tunnel for the entrance. It was very warm in there because the snow trapped all the heat and kept the wind away. So we went out again and made a tunnel for it using our hands. Just after we finished and were in the igloo again a big hail storm started up and we were able to shelter until it finished. After that we went inside and warmed up and put on dry clothes. We went over to the Elliotts where my sister was working with them and the Mabins to make an even bigger igloo. But I still thought our one was better.
When Freya went in our igloo she loved it so much we couldn’t get her out again! Overnight it snowed on it even more and made it thicker and stronger and all smooth around the top. When it started raining we put a tarpouline over it to keep the rain off it and make it last longer. Our last snow shelter lasted more than two weeks, and I wonder how long this one will last?
That is a very cool looking igloo Alex and George! I wish I was that clever.