Friday, 30 September 2011

Penguins are WHERE?

There was a great kerfuffle in the staffroom this week when Penguins were discovered by one of our Teacher Aides - Kathy - IN THE FRIDGE!
How did they get there?

A certain reading group working with Miss Vaughan and Mrs Barker seemed to know a bit about it - in fact - they had been cooking Penguin shaped pancakes in the staffroom the same day - it seems a bit suspicious don't you think!

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Smudge the Snowman



ON Monday night I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking SNOW SNOW SNOW!!!.  I got up in a happy mood. Mum and Dad were watching breakfast (the headlines were about the snow) about one and a half hours later we went out to build a snowman. My brothers Ruben and Che were helping Dad I was pretty much sitting in the snow and doing my own thing before I went to join them about ten minutes later. Next we started moulding Smudge (that’s what we called the snowman - you see why!). Then Mum went inside to get the food dye then we squirted the dye on him. 

By Sarya Room 8

My Snow Day

My Snow Days

I played in the snow with my Dad, Mum, my sister Sarya and my little brother Che. We made a snow man called Smudge and I like eating snow. We made snow balls and threw them at each other. I love snow days and I want more snow days.

By Ruben from Room 1

Friday, 19 August 2011

Maddie's Snow Day

This is our cat “Puss” she doesn’t like the snow, she gets cold feet so she spent the day by the fire!

I love making snow balls then throwing them at my brother
but i ran out so im making some more
This is me and Annalise making a fort outside my house 
When Annalise went home me, Sophie.V and my brother Alex were
walking to the dairy we saw a big snow pile so we climbed it
Me and Sophie.V built a snowman and 2 seats so we could sit down
Maddie – Room 14

James and the snowman

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Two Poems

Sliding on a sledge
No school
Oh snow is so fun
Whahoo look at me!

snow is
so fun when
you invite a friend
to play with you, yay!

by Jessica

Four snow stories!

Snowy Adventure
On the day it was snowing my family had a big walk up on the hill.  We found a ramp we had two blow up sleds one was a donought and one was a racing car.  I went down on the racing car sled with mum.  Mum shouted aaarrrgh.  I sat there quietly like a rabit..
The End
By Amelia

On Tuesday mum and I made an igloo in my backyard and everyone went in it.  It's about two meters hgh and and two meters round We bilt it because we wanted to see what it would be like inside.  We started at the bottom and worked our way up in circles and they got smaller and smaller after that we put snow in and around the gaps.
By Tamati

Tuesday 16th August 2011
On a frosty white winters morning.  I woke up to see a soft, pure snow blanket covering my backyard.  It was early but i couldn't resist jumping in a big mountain of snow I'd fall halfway through so I jumped out of my bed, Scoffed down some weet-bix brushed my teeth, slipped on some clothes and zipped and glanced outside....
...It was snowing>>>
By Max

It is softer than a...
When falling, it is as pure as a cloud
Yet it can be as hazardous as a plauge
It effortlessly travels from the heavens to earth, beneath your feet.
It dusts the mirroring lane of the trees in the park,
while it rests on the peak of the hill.
It hides the blossoms on the silk tree that will bring an early spring
It is SNOW!!
By Dani

Ayiana & Chumani

Snow, snow shiny snow
Falling on the ground
When I got home snow was falling down
and now I'm safe and warm inside


When I woke up on Monday morning I waited until Dad got home from work and we went out in the snow and made a snow Michael Jackson, here is a photo of it.

I hope you like it.
Room 13

My parents have gone away on a trip to Auckland, leaving me in charge of their cows. Now, this is not normally a big deal but today, it was a mission!!! They have 4 young calves and I needed to make sure they were okay. I drove out to their farm which is out in the country near Darfield. I was pleased to find that the snow there was only about 10 cm deep. I had to jump start the tractor using Dad’s ute because the battery had gone flat! Once the tractor got going, I drove down and picked up some BIG hay bales. Driving the tractor on the snow was, well… experience! Skidding, sliding, and getting struck!!! But phew, thank goodness. All 4 calves had hidden behind a tree line and were safe!!!!! Their mum’s had taken excellent care of them!

Mr Rodger

Room 14

Yay, Snow!

Eva and Juliet in our marvellous brick factory!
Enough to build something big like an incredible igloo...
We set to work creating giant snow bricks by packing snow into big fish crates and then gently placing them upside down on top of each other in the shape of an igloo.
Brick by brick we slowly built the walls up, up and up. As we got near the top we put the bricks slightly further in each time to create the roof. Then at last, the last brick was put on to the top ....... it was finished!!!

Three hours!!!!  We were all exhausted.  Time to snuggle up in warm cosy clothes and and of course have steaming hot chocolates YUM!!!!! 

Strengthening the second layer of our igloo,to make sure its strong!

Yum time for fluffy hot chocolates with smiles!
As we put on our last brick (YAY its nearly finished!)
WOW!  The next morning the igloo has a new blanket of snow.  It really looks like an igloo now!!!
BY EVA!!!!!

Wonderful Land of Snow

 I woke up to a wonderful land of snow, then I shook my head, is this real I said to myself ?  I woke up my sister and said to her "look out the window and see all the snow".  Then I ran down the stairs to my mum and dad's bedroom and said "yay no school!!!!." We all went outside and chucked snowballs on our street and made three snowmen.  Mr and Mrs Snowy and their sweet daughter Kate Middleton!

Julia R15

Crazy Willis

I have a good friend who owns a dog called Willis.
When it Snows, he goes Craaazzzzzyyy!!
How he goes crazy you may ask? Well I’ll tell you….
It all starts at a house with…..Snow!
When you let him out Whoosh he’s off! He runs around like a Champion Racehorse, falls over, STOPS, sniffs looks up at the sky and runs around.  He then STOPS, turns around to give me a look of encouragement and chases me!!
When he catches up with me he stops, looks at me then does the cycle again and again and again (He can do this for an hour!)
Finally he comes back inside wet and looks like a Snowdog. Yet again the following day he will do the whole thing again. But he’s not stupid (No! No! No!) Because when he needs to go for a poop he wobbles under the trampoline and does his stuff, without getting wet!!


Just a heads up… Snow + Dog = Crazy, Funny, Tired, Wet Snowdog.

The Snowy Snowman

On Tuesday 16 August I made an Awesome Snowy Snowman. I haven’t named him yet… (So I’m up for suggestions).
Now his special features are his Crusaders hat, Meat eyes, Cool Sunnies, Muscle arms and better not forget his Manly Carrot nose (which gets shorter every day)…no wonder he’s not hungry at dinner!!
His story of how he got here is aaammazzing!!
Firstly, he was up in the clouds (literally) then one night he fell (AHHhh) then Bam!!! He hit the roof with so much force that his legs splattered across New Zealand (and yet his legs are still falling!!).
But he squirmed off the roof and fell to where he his today.  On the table outside (know wonder he’s so short!!) But with the snow falling off the roof his nose gets bumped and falls off, again and again.  But with a bit of surgery he’s back to his old self J.


All children (when the chance arrives!) should make a Crusader, Meaty eyed, sunny wearing, muscle armed MANLY (It has to be a Carrot) nosed Snowy Snowman.J

Angus - R19

Declan's Snow Day

On Monday I made a snowman with my dad. He was very big, but his head fell off so I turned him into a slide. On Tuesday he was still there so I made him into a snowman again. Dad also made me a sled and towed me all around the neighbourhood.


Room 2

Ruateatea's Snow Day

Tuesday 16  August 2011

Yesterday my dad and I made a snow ramp and a snow castle. We went to the park with my friend Jaxon and had a snowball fight. We also made a sheild. Toa was falling down all the time. We had to walk on the road because
 it was too slippery on the footpath. A news truck almost ran us over. Then we
had a hot chocolate when we got home.


My snow story

On Monday my neighbours and I got towed behind a four wheel drive on a sled while getting snow balls thrown at me. I tried to stand up on it, I succeeded . It was really awesome but cold ! On Tuesday our family and about six other families walked to Quinten's house to slide down his really steep driveway. Quinten had a old scooter with a ski attached to the bottom of it , going down on that was pretty radical On Wednesday Barry and I made a tower with a four way tunnel through it we nick named it the icefull tower it was hard work!
By Thomas
Room 16

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Seung Jae's Snow Day

On Monday morning I woke up thinking “school” and I headed straight for the shower. My mum had woken up by that time and pulled me into her room and when I opened my eyes….. SNOW I opened my mouth because I was really surprised but mostly happy knowing that school was off for the day.
Then I headed over to my next door neighbor Sam feeling like it was the holidays. When his dad opened the door I went into Sam’s room and saw him with breakfast in his lap looking outside at the thick sheets of snow.
Then we headed out seeking for something to make then we thought about the last time it snowed and we had seen an Igloo so we decided to make our own. So we went to work making the ball as big as possible. We lost track of time as we were making snow angels, diving on to the ground knowing that the snow would cushion our fall. After about 2 hours my mum’s friend came out admiring the white crystals and he saw we were making an igloo so he got a bucket and started making one. But because of the gusty winds and rain it fell over after about an hour of constructing.
The snow was fun while it lasted and I think the snow has got people happier and feeling more close to each other so if it ever snows again we can bond more with family and friends.
Seung-Jae Yoo, Room 17

In the snow

In the snow, Tuesday 16 August, 2011

 We woke up to a winter wonderland, a white blanket covering everything and an eerie silence filled the air. We quickly shoved on a lot of clothes and raced outside. Our feet sank deep into the snow. We ran through the snow to each others houses, and went round measuring deep parts of snow around the place. The deepest part we found was 25 centimetres. Then we ran round to Katie’s back yard and made a toboggan run out of snow. We slid down it loads of times and had a whole heap of fun. Katie ripped her track pants on a plank of wood holding up the slide.

 We then had a snowball fight with Ella. We played for ages and Ella was quite a lousy aimer, and it was us throwing the snowballs at each other that made us get wet. So we went inside and got warm. We had a muffin and ran over to Anna’s house.

Back at Anna’s house we had a snowball fight, and Anna’s Aunty and mum dragged Anna down onto the snow and she got covered in snow. Brrrr. After that we made snow angels and got even wetter and so we went inside and got warm again. While we were getting warm, we played truth or dare. Anna had to wear a toilet paper hat for 10 minutes and had to eat a teaspoon of condiments. Then we had toasties for lunch and went outside and made even more snow angels.

It was amazing to have a snow day (and a day or two off school) and we had loads of fun together, swapping houses for the whole day. WHAT FUN WE HAD!! JJJJ

Written by Katie and Anna

Joe's Big Day Off!!

JOE's Big day off!!On the snow day we started our day with a spa it was cold running through the snow. When we got into the spa it was lovely and hot. By the time we got out it was morning tea time. After that we got towed in kayaks behind a quad bike by our neighbour George. Later on we helped our other neighbours build an igloo. It was a very fun day. I love the snow…..
Joe   Room 8

The Snow Day!

On the 16th and 17th of August snow fell down, then my friend Amelia came over. It was fun! I said "come on Amelia, lets sled". In the end my Daddy pulled the sled and pushed away the big tree that was in the way. Amelia and I got our whole faces wet  Amelia and I  said yaye!!
My little sister Charlotte, starting in Room 3 next week and my cousins, Braydon (Rm6) and Amani loved it too!
Juliette , Room 7